All types of content can be managed in DESK. Simple to very complex product structures and even non-product-related content are supported. For each item, such as a product or service, various types of content of different compositions can be managed in DESK. This is essential in marketing in order to have the possibility to create product or service descriptions tailored to the target.
Content can be stored into DESK labeled by means of domain uses, such as country specific range of applications, target groups, etc.
Content can be stored within different structures. It is possible to adopt the structure of the ERP system in DESK, while simultaneously using an assortment structure, that the ERP system can't provide. For publications you can set up different marketing structures.
In Desk, content can be managed separately from its presentation. All content can be managed in DESK, including content that will not be published or content that only needs to be distributed to partners. Thus, DESK can be used to manage all of your content! With the publication technology of DESK, selected content can be published to each channel easily.
Provide customers with targeted and relevant content. DESK delivers labeled content which enables you, by means of rules, to match the right content to the right visitor during a visit on your website. You can also use that content in the production of a printed publication. Text, rich media content, documents, etc. can all be used for personalisation.
DESK has the ability to manage multilingual content. DESK offers a translation workflow management and integrates translation services, so that content managers can work in their own language and translate worldwide.
Fully integrated into DESK are editing capabilities such as in Word. So, content teams are able to create and publish richly formatted content.